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Welcome to ShaneCo.com. We are proud and pleased to offer an opportunity to experience Shane Co. on-line. As an employee or immediate family member, please read and agree to the following terms and conditions of the WSM employee purchase agreement.
As stated in the WSM Company Handbook, "employees may purchase merchandise at a reduction from normal selling price, provided that the merchandise is solely for either the employee's own use or for that of his or her IMMEDIATE family." Immediate family is defined as follows: Employee's spouse, spousal equivalent, daughter, son, mother, father, sister, brother, grandparent, grandchild, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, step-parent, or step-child, or a person who is legally acting in one of the above capacities, or another relative living in the employee's residence.
Employees are eligible for the employee discount privilege after receipt of their first pay stub from Western Stone & Metal.
I understand and agree my password is unique to me and cannot be shared with anyone.
I agree I will not purchase any merchandise for the purpose of resale.
I agree I will not purchase any merchandise in proxy for others.
I agree I will not distribute or share, and will keep the employee price confidential.
Any misuse of this employee benefit will result in the loss of such benefit to the employee and all qualified family members stated above, as determined by the VP of Human Resources.
Any employee violation, or violation by a family member, of the Company's EMPLOYEE PURCHASE POLICY, Section IV-L of Company Handbook could result in progressive counseling action being taken with the employee up to and including termination.
Variety of gem colors and her favorite is the prominent pink
Matches previously purchased mosaic ring. I wanted a complete set. I felt this I could dress up or down for any occasion. I have been told that my ring is the "most beautiful" ring this person had…
To go with the Flower Pink Sapphire and Diamond Pendant my girlfriend loved